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The Hero's Journey

When an ordinary person steps bravely into a crisis by confronting their biggest fears, and is transformed by the experience allowing them to live their best life. 

In comparative mythology, the hero's journey (also known as the hero's quest),  is the common template for stories that involve an ordinary person who reluctantly gets dragged on a metaphorical adventure against their will, is victorious in a decisive crisis by confronting their blind spots, and returns 'home' to integrate what they've learned about themselves into their new normal and live a more fulfilling life. 


Joseph Campbell further popularized the hero myth with the publishing of his book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, in 1949. Campbell's narrative has been widely adapted into our mainstream culture, so much so that almost every movie follows this template. The hero's quest is a solo mission, but in order for it to be successful the hero needs wise travel companions to help guide them through their ordeal. 

If you are unfamiliar with the mythical Hero’s Journey, this is it in broad strokes: THE CALL TO ADVENTURE (an awareness that something serious is amiss); REFUSAL OF THE CALL (denial); CROSSING OF THE FIRST THRESHOLD (a triggering event that forces you out of denial); MEETING FRIENDS (those trusty travelling companions who accompany you on your Quest); WANDERING THROUGH THE LABYRINTH (a willingness to seek answers and learn about our true selves); THE SUPREME ORDEAL (facing our greatest fears in a series of tests we all must undergo to begin the transformation); THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL (getting glimpses of our blind spots and the source of them); FINDING THE MAGIC ELIXIR (self awareness); CROSSING THE RETURN THRESHOLD (reintegrating this self awareness into your life).



After my son's struggles triggered my own life crisis, I spent a long time wandering through the labyrinth myself. While there I discovered that the magic elixir I was seeking turned out to be growth through grief and learning how to lovingly 'Let Go'. It is my dream to building a caring and compassionate community committed to helping parent's on this complicated grief journey heal, because that is the first step towards truly helping our children.

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IF YOU ARE A HEROIC PARENT join me on this courageous adventure. Please reach out and we'll journey on together !

IF YOU ARE A PRACTITIONER who would like to run a retreat or a workshop for parents on this life changing journey, I want to hear from you! ​

I look forward to connecting with you,​  Sara

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